Sunday, October 24, 2010 11:47 AM
MORE QUIZZES because 3u eng essays are a bitch
MEMORISED 517/1443 words. QUIZ TIME.Do you turn the lights on as soon as you wake up? lol no. isn't it sunny/bright when i wake up? 0o
Where did you last throw up? no idea. can't remember but i'm guessing the toilet? =S
What songs remind you of your last ex? i need you - three doors down
Spill your guts to us on exactly what’s on your mind right now:shiiti'm so screwed for maths, and eco and bio and i really should be memorising 3u..
What were you doing at 7:00 this morning?sleeping
What’s your favorite area at the zoo? hm. i dno. i love the zoo. just not the snakes/insects/gross animals section :D hmmm.:)
Do you own more dvd’s or video games? dvds
If you could have any drink handed to you right now, what would you ask for? ooo. i feel like a milkshake
Can you see any shoes from where you are sitting?nope
What kind of guys are you usually attracted to? hmmm.
What have you eaten today? noodles with soup.
Would you rather be at the beach or lake? depending on weather. mb lake ?
Do you honestly think the world is going to end it 2012? neverrrrr
So, what do you want for your birthday? no idea. i got 11 months to think about it so no rush :D
Who are you texting right now? n/a
What was the last movie you watched and with who? um. the last song on my laptop :D
Have you ever kissed 2 people at once? nope. wow that must take skill 0_0
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? nooo TT fkning 7am
When is the last time you cried? ummm. graduation i think
Last text from? tang
Are you scared of spiders? very TT
Do you miss anyone? yeeees :(
Do you curse a lot? hm. probably :L
Where is the person you have feelings for right now? LOL uber stalker much . :L :L
Do you have trust issues? i dont think so ? =S
If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? hello hsc.
Have you ever punched a guy? yep. never hurts though >> damn my weakness :L
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? i don't think so
Have you ever lived on a dirt/gravel road? idk?
Ever been swimming in a lake or river? ummmm. cant remember. probably not
Ever been to a bonfire party? i want to :(
Have you ever been on a horse? yep. it hurts like hell the nxt day. or mb its just my unfitness ;(
Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? not really.
What’s irritating you right now? the fact that i should be memorising 3u and the fact that we're in the MIDDLE of hsc so the end is so close yet so far TT
Are you afraid of the dark? um. not if im sleeping. but if iim trapped somehwere and its dark, GET ME OUT OF THERE !
Do you know your father’s birthday? 10/12/50 [i hope o_o]
What is the last movie you saw in theaters? despicable me
Is there anyone you wish was still in your life? yeah but oh well.
How many different houses have you lived in throughout your life?? um. 2 or 3
Have you ever kissed someone 20 years old or older? nope. well my parents, do they count?
Next time you kiss someone, will it be on the lips? idk
Did you buy something today? strepsils :D
What was the last TV show you watched? masterchef :D
Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4."and do not pass into the Bowman's capsule. the fluid that passes into the..." LOL its my bio textbook <3
Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you reach? my strepsils :D
What is the last thing you watched on TV? x factor
Without looking, guess what time it is: 12:21
Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? oh damn 12:23
When did you last step outside? What were you doing?um. yesterday HAHA. and i dont remember. probably getting somethign to eat :L
Before you started this survey, what did you look at?my 3u essay
What are you wearing? um grey black tee, trackpants and black star hoodie
Did you dream last night? yeah but i couldnt' remember. it was just v v entertaining :L
When did you last laugh?um. probably yesterday sometime
What are on the walls of the room you are in? nothing except some dodgy chinese poster my mum chucks on my mirror. i swear she's trying to cure my vanity :L
Seen anything weird lately?not really
What do you think of this quiz? waste of time
What is the last film you saw? the last song
What are you listening to? n/a
If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? too much
Tell me something about you that I don’t know about. um. i live in greenacre?
If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?um peace and happiness :D i got no idea 0o
Do you like to dance? HAHA how embarassing :L
Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? ooo um. idk >< should i be thinking about this already? 0o
Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? hm no idea either.
Would you ever consider living abroad? idk
What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates? i forgive you
-What is your closest friends' names? ah i cbb listing. ily guys though :)
How long have you been friends for? 5-6 years
Do you have a boyfriend? nope
If so, what's his name? n/a
How long have you been together? n/a
Who was your last test message from? tang
Could you live without your computer? nope
Facebook or Myspace? fb
Do you like thunder & lightning storms? if im inside idm.
Have you ever travelled out of the country? yeah. a LOOOOOOOOONG time ago :L
Has someone ever made you a scrapbook? no :(
What colour is the room you are in right now? green and white courtesy of my dads painting
Is there a TV in the room you're in? nope
Have you ever had surgery? no\
If so, on what/why? n/a
Who's the person you feel like thanking today? my mum for shopping and buying me yum food :)Do you regret something you've done this year? do i? oh yeah. i dno. not studying as hard as i could have so now during the hsc i realise im effed
Do you have any pets? no
Are you on a desktop or a laptop? laptop
Are you a morning or night type of person? night
Are you easy to talk to? i hope.
What's your favourite number? 10
Do you have a pool? nope
Do you enjoy "liking" or "becoming a fan" of things on facebook? likeee. less clicking involved
Have you eaten dinner yet? nope its almost lunch time :L
Are you hot or cold? probs cold :L
What's your emotion? screwed
Why? hsc
Texting anyone? nope
Listening to? n/a
Time? 12:30
FAMILY: Do you get along with your family? yeah
Whom are you closest to in your family? my sister probs
Sibilings? yoounger sister
How many cousins do you have? 2. wow so little
Are you close to them? no
What year are you in? twelve
Who do you sit with on your way to school (bus/train)? WAH I graduated :( dolly or kat though usually . or abby
Who's the first person you think of in your maths class? probs ash :)
Do you like your class? WAH i miss it :( it was v fun
im getting so into 3u that i now think this quote is uber sad
"he was mad with loneliness and lovelessness" :'( POOR QUOYLE
okay bye