Thursday, June 10, 2010 8:22 PM
a third of my exams done ^^
sounds liek a lot but i have a long way to go haha.
english was a bit dodgy. haha, i dont think i did well, but i dont want to declare that i did badly because it feels like im jinxing myself, so maybe if i remain positive, it'll turn out okay (: does it work that way? haha .
the question. hm. could have been way worse. im so happy that it was about understanding/meaning, but i dno how well i turned my essay into a speech . =S
oh well.
bio. was. hm.
i refuse ever to see davy when im trying to study bio.
so im sitting in the study, calming reading my notes thinking i basically knew everyting...
-a fully stressed out freaked out overstressedd davy comes running in.
JAJANJANAJANAJAN!!! FAKGJLSFDJLSKGJASLGJKASFDJGASKL FGJAKLSJG im EFFED. do you know _____________________________________STUPID DNA SEQUENCING WHICH YOU FREAKED ME OUT ABOUT AND WE DIDNT GET TESTED BTW. == -_______________________ - INSERT A whole load of crap i didnt know-
jan: ._.
so then I START freaking out, and stressing like crazy and davy runs away stressing further.
omg what a distraction TT
haha jokes davy. you cant help but feel so stressed, but you probably gonna come first in bio again :L
i think i did...okay? in bio research i hope anyways. theory doesnt even matter, but i finsihed so thats good ^^
the info i wrote in theory is dodgy though =\
hopefully i can do okay ^^
but yes. let me rage about my parents renovation scheme.
they had the brilliant idea of renovating ... THIS AND NEXT WEEK.
hence, i am kicked out of my room, they dismantled my bed and im now cramped in the living room sleeping on a mattress, and without a room for the next month or so ><
and now my dad wont stop talking about wall designs and how i have to come up with my own,and how me and my sister are going to have a designing wall contest to see whos design is betetr etc etc. now.
when im trying todo2u maths. well not realy sinceim typing but STILL.rage
so basically they're changing all of upstairs from carpet to wood cos my sister is allergic, and repainting.
like they couldnt wait a few more weeks or something TT
and my dad apparently got all the stuff supercheap, so i bet it has asbestos and lead, mercury and all these other heavy metals that are going to kill me (:
but yes. i am so pumped and ready to fail 2u maths (:
i know literally.
normally i get everything, its just i cbb doing past papers. this time im getting like 40/60 in 2u and 30/63 in 3u (Y)
so yes.
at least i get to sleep in tomroow.
gluck for maths people (:
and 4u ppl. dont complain. its yurfault you chose it! :P
now im contemplating to gg maths and just catch up on glee and masterchef (Y)
maybe ill finsih this past paper i started since 4 then do it :L
kays, gluck all (:
and philo ppl: dont stress too much! gluck and im sure you'll do fine :D
TADA. see yu guys (: